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precautionary measures meaning in Hindi

precautionary measures sentence in Hindi

एहतियाती उपाय
एहतियाती कदम
precautionary    एहतियाती उपाय
measures    युक्ति साधन उपाय
1.Moscoe had his own office swept for bugs as a precautionary measure.

2.We will have to take those precautionary measures to stop the extremists,

3.But as a precautionary measure you should contact your credit card company.

4.There was no evidence precautionary measures were being taken at the site.

5.Precautionary measures are taken even if the woman transforms into a churel.

6.Perhaps the Lakers are merely taking precautionary measures with a valuable asset.

7.Chief Minister Minister Reuben Meade called the emergency evacuation a precautionary measure.

8.However, the U . N . recommended precautionary measures at those sites.

9.The plane returned to Heathrow as a " precautionary measure ".

10.Persons across the watch area are advised to take precautionary measures.

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How to say precautionary measures in Hindi and what is the meaning of precautionary measures in Hindi? precautionary measures Hindi meaning, translation, pronunciation, synonyms and example sentences are provided by Hindlish.com.